In the history of food and agriculture, 2023 was a milestone year—the year that real animal meat made without animals was first approved for sale in the world’s largest economy. For the first time, U.S. consumers ordered cultivated meat at two restaurants helmed by world-renowned chefs. Additionally, cultivated meat broadened into new settings in Singapore, including the first butchery where it was on display and served in the adjoining bistro. And just after 2023 ended, there was more exciting news for cultivated meat: in January 2024 Israel became the third country to advance the approval of cultivated meat sales, and the first to advance the approval of cultivated beef.

Source: State of the Industry Report: Cultivated meat and seafood | GFI

One thought on “State of the Industry Report 2023 : Cultivated meat and seafood from GFI”
  1. […] State of the Industry Report 2023 : Cultivated meat and seafood from GFI April 23, 2024In the history of food and agriculture, 2023 was a milestone year—the year that real animal meat made without animals was first approved for sale in the world’s largest economy. For the first time, U.S. consumers ordered cultivated meat at two restaurants helmed by world-renowned chefs. Additionally, cultivated meat broadened… Read more: State of the Industry Report 2023 : Cultivated meat and seafood from GFI […]

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